Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To Dos

More with the to-do lists - they never end, do they? Sewing, quilting, stuff around the house, presents...ack!

So here's some boring lists. Without any pictures, even. Bo.

-Work on the box of pant-mending Jeff has accumulated.
-Christmas presents - JP, D, L, T, Mom, M.

-Gift quilts: A (piece, baste, quilt, bind), K (quilt, bind), J (quilt, bind), P (baste, quilt, bind), A (baste, quilt, bind), C (um, think of an idea first?), T (piece, baste, quilt, bind)
-Kitty Quilts for humane society
-Bind our quilt - honestly, Steph? Can't even finish one for yourself? Ugh.

-Finally finish painting bathroom, finish the darn thing already! (paint walls, buy - paint - install baseboards, install switch plates/outlet covers, finish painting toilet/sink, finish drywalling skylight thing / paint that, paint door, buy-paint-hang door trim on both sides)
-Clean up shed tear-down project
-Order new shed, arrange for its installation
-Just keep adding things to this list, really it could probably be 80 miles long

Blog posts:
Just write a million and keep it up to date, honestly, Steph, you like writing, is that so hard?

Read books. Just keep reading. Read while quilting, if possible? Srsly.


  1. Nearly everything about this post made me laugh!!! sorry ;)
    You'll get there in the end. Have some caffeine :)

  2. hmm..read while quilting? I will need to see a video of that on youtube. possibly a tutorial. good luck--that is a long list. maybe dividing it into 3 smaller lists in order of priority would make it less daunting. :o)

  3. Wow, so much to do! But you didn't loose your humor over it. Very funny post ;-) Good luck with everything!

  4. Ah housework, the downside to owning your own home. *sigh* Give that part of your to-do list to your husband! :P (Though I made the mistake of letting my husband help me paint the loft... and yeah, he didn't do too swift of a job. He tried and was proud of it, so I never said anything.)

    You can do it!
